Vermont Morgan Horse Association Youth Programs

The VMHA sponsors and supports several educational programs for young equestrians. In addition to the programs highlighted here, numerous national and local offerings are supported by VMHA, our members, and member farms. Some of these include youth camps, riding lessons, horsemanship clinics, AMHA Medal classes recognizing excellent in equitation, the National Youth Council where young people experience governance and leadership, team competitions, scholarships, homeschooling curriculum, recognition of community service, and interscholastic athletic programs.

Vermont Morgan Youth Teams

The Vermont Morgan Youth Teams program is designed to facilitate teamwork through barns and horse friends while helping to educate and familiarize youth with the Morgan Horse. The Team competes nationally with other Teams across the country for both individual and team awards. The program, based on an accumulation of points earned by individual members of the Team, runs from January 1st to December 31st. The program recognizes Morgan youth at all levels of horsemanship. Points are earned by performing different challenges related to the Morgan Horse through independent home study, activities at the barn, horse shows, and commitment to the Vermont Morgan Horse Association and nationally based opportunities offered by the American Morgan Horse Association. Several established teams exist in Vermont, or new teams can be formed. Please reach out to the VMHA Youth Committee Chair for more information.

Vermont Morgan Youth of the Year Contest

Morgan horses have long been defined by their ability to suit people with varying interests. Similarly, VMHA believes in the value derived from Morgan youths possessing a well-rounded skill set. The VMHA sponsors an annual Youth of the Year Contest to honor and celebrate that value which also offers exciting incentives for top achievers.

The VMHA Youth of the Year Contest is offered at the Summer Kick-Off Open Horse Show. The Contest consists of four parts: a written exam, an oral presentation, a judging contest, and a horsemanship pattern. Each section of the contest is worth 250 points and offers divisions for walk-trot, junior, and senior-aged exhibitors. Expectations for these divisions are modified to be appropriate for the age of contestants. Youth who win the Senior division or who score over 800 points in the Senior division qualify to compete for American Morgan Horse Association Youth of the Year at the Grand National & World Championship Morgan Horse Show in Oklahoma City in October. The winner of this prestigious title receives a unique prize package customized by the winner and valued at $3,500. The reserve winner receives a unique prize package customized by the reserve winner and valued at $1,500. Additional sponsorship is available to VMHA members who are qualified to compete in the National Youth of the Year Contest. Please contact the VMHA Youth Committee Chair for instructions on receiving a VMHA Youth of the Year Grant.

Annual Vermont Morgan Youth Clinic

The Vermont Youth Clinic traditionally held at the UVM Morgan Horse Farm is a rallying point for VMHA youth members across the state. This free event covers an introduction to various annual and special opportunities offered by the Vermont Morgan Horse Association and the American Morgan Horse Association, as well as in-depth and hands-on lessons related to the Morgan Horse.

Merit Program

The Merit Program is designed to help young equestrians under the age of 22 become competent horsemasters. The six successive levels of testing are designed to increase knowledge of the Morgan breed and general horsemanship while receiving national recognition for earning each successive level of mastery. Merit work is recognized both by the VMHA and the AMHA.

To help navigate the wealth of opportunities, please reach out to a youth programs ambassador for specific details. For more information, please contact Amanda Ryan at 802-578-0353.

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Scholarships & Special Honors


Awarded annually to at least one applicant and recognizes both commitment to the Morgan Breed and VMHA. Offering a $500 scholarship, we encourage all of our youth members to apply. Read more…


The VMHA Youth of the Year Award and Youth Volunteer Award were established to honor VMHA Youth members who have gone above and beyond to support VMHA and the Morgan Horse through promotion and volunteerism. Read more…